Hiroshi Katayama
Surrealism - Acrylic on Canvas
October 8, 2024
October 12, 2024
11 am - 5 pm (Last day October 12th ends at 4pm)
Thursday October 10th from 6 - 8 pm
Katayama is a surrealist with an Asian approach. Classic surrealist like Dali and Magritte painted impossible things in real settings. Katayama’s settings are not real. They are spaces without dimensions - a world of colors and textures. His paintings are like dreams in which figures appear like apparitions. It is as though he invents a mythology. An example is a naked seated figure that holds a staff. And a disembodied head appears above him, but the man doesn’t notice it. In another picture the hair on a person’s head becomes a raging ocean.The artist is meticulous but not stiff in these acrylic paintings that are being exhibited in The US for the first time.

More details coming soon.